Taking startups

From MVP

Hero Image Colored

To mighty products

Hero Image Sketched
To mighty product text

A successful business excels at two things: sales and product. We use design to amplify both.

Kvist Poster
Brand identity
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Design components
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User interface
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Naer Post
Brand identity
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Product showcase
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Naer Illustrations
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Color system
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Design components
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User interface
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Guiding founders through critical design decisions

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Through the years, our small team has contributed to the launch of 30+ products. We have been right there with founders, pulling all-nighters to meet QA deadlines and weathering rejections from investors. Our role in the product journey has become clear:

1. We assess the current user experience of your product.
2. We look for ways to improve it by building prototypes and conducting user tests.
3. We work closely with your tech team to implement the design.

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Parallax middle
Parallax Factory Behind

Branding and websites

Make people care about your ideas

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In a market overflowing with companies promising to 'reshape the way we work', it's challenging to make your product memorable.

Our approach is simple. We work closely with founders and sales teams to trim the excess, distilling your value proposition to its core. This ensures that end-users instantly understand your role in their lives.

Next, we spearhead your messaging with a unique brand identity, one that elevates your image beyond that of an early-stage startup and into something impossible for customers, competitors, and investors to ignore.

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Parallax Fish Middle
Parallax Fish Back

A shared love for the digital and a common drive to break new ground – here are some of the people we have worked with

Ignite procurement
Sport AI
TGN Energy
UX Norge
Way Trafikkskole

Designed to fit budgets of every size

Your’re a startup and the budget is tight.

We get that. Being up front about how much money you are willing to spend, will help us be meticulous with the project scoping and laser focused on prioritising the right stuff.

It is the best way to get the most out of your bucks.

Still, if you require some figures, here’s a glimpse of our typical rates for various projects.

Maskot Turning Image
Complete rebrand

New website, brand identity and positioning

Estimated time: 2 months
Estimated price: Starting at $25 000

You have found your product market fit and are ready to scale both marketing and sales. We elevate your image beyond that of an early-stage startup - and into a major player in your industry.

In-house product designer

Estimated time: 1 week to 6 months

Estimated price: from $130 per hour

We become a valuable part of your tech team, whether by actively participating or taking the lead in your design project.

If your team primarily consists of junior members, we bring in senior design expertise and share our best practices. Thus, 
allowing your design team to mature and grow long after our collaboration has ended.